Friday, November 24, 2017

Implement Edit and Delete Behavior

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Chapter 8 of 10 at Apple Developer > Jump Right In is Implement Edit and Delete Behavior.

Download the answer at the end of the chapter when you like.

Too few words

The "Show" of Selection Segue is not the "Show" of the Accessory Action. You must watch closely enough to never confuse those two.

<= Learning Objectives
<= Enable Editing of Existing Meals

Not quite as quoted

You'll find "override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {" when you go looking for "override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {".

<= Enable Editing of Existing Meals

Not corrected when written

Yea, they really do walk you thru editing the "tableView(_:commit:forRowAt:)" method without showing you what that first edit should look like, so that then they can detour you thru a second edit of the "tableView(_:canEditRowAt)", so that only then can they remember to get around to showing you what the first edit should look like.

Oh well.

<= Cancel an Edit to an Existing Meal
<= Support Deleting Meals

Download and compare and commit

The download is 08_ImplementEditAndDeleteBehaviorYour Commit Message can be "Implement Edit and Delete Behavior". 

<= Wrapping Up

Back | ForwardSource: Apple Developer > Implement Edit and Delete Behavior.

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